Wir wünschen allen ein ermutigendes Jahr 2025!
3. Februar, 15.15 Uhr
FamilienFilm, Christophorus-Saal
Pettersson und Findus, Trickfilm, 75 Minuten
3. Februar, 18.00 Uhr
18, 20, 2, 3 ... Wir spielen Skat im Edith-Stein-Gemeindezentrum. Spielt mit!
4. Februar, 15.00 Uhr
Bastelnachmittag im Christophorushaus
24. Februar, 16.30 Uhr
Auf dem Markt zu Wolfen-Nord - Friedenslieder, Volkslieder, Jahreszeitenlieder, Kinderlieder, Kanons.
Sie suchen einen Raum für Familienfeste? Feiern Sie doch bei uns! Kontakt: 034 94 - 503 506
Sie suchen Büroräume? Wir haben für Sie
eine Mieteinheit mit Hausmeisterservice.
Sie haben eine Idee? Wir haben das Haus dafür?
Infos und Kontakt: 034 94 - 503 506
Immer wieder freitags, 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr gibts bei uns die Vitaminretterbox.
Infos und Bestellung unter www.vitaminretter.de

community garden
Would you like to have your own small bed or gardening together? Longing for relaxation and togetherness? Our community garden is located opposite the Christophorushaus.
Open garden door
Fridays 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m
Contact Person:
Henrik Schmeer
015 77 - 409 06 78
Here is the link to the newsletter:
The community garden is funded by the Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women, Youth as part of the federal program "Democracy Life!" and the town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen - town with courage .

support groups
The self-help groups meet here:
blue cross
Tue 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. and
Wed 5 p.m. - 7 p.m
Dandelion (Orphaned Parents)
3. Wed 6 p.m. – 8 p.m
Mentally ill
Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m
Anonymous alcoholics
2nd + 4th Thursday 5.30 – 7.00 p.m
The self-help groups are supported by the Blue Cross, Saxony-Anhalt state association
as well as from the working group for self-help promotion of the GKV in Saxony-Anhalt and the self-help contact point Anhalt-Bitterfeld of the parity welfare association .

He meets on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m
BoRa choir with its director Florian Zschucke and rehearse happily for all kinds of occasions.
Always on the 24th of a month, at 4.30 p.m., people who love to sing meet at the market in Wolfen-Nord and sing folk songs, seasonal songs, children's songs, peace songs, spiritual songs and canons.
Twice a year, in spring and in Advent, young instrumentalists from the Gottfried Kirchhoff music school play music in the Christophorushaus under the direction of Sven Uber.
Come, be there and be happier!

children and youth
On Thursdays at 6:00 p.m., young people from the age of 14 meet Steffen Schulz for supper, chatting, playing... and once a year we go to another nice place for a few days.
On the 1st Thursday of the month, all 10 to 12 year olds are invited to play and have fun with Birgitt Böhm.
The youth migration service of the Bitterfeld-Wolfen-Gräfenheinichen deaconry with its open youth club is also in our house .
Opening and consultation times:
daily from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays every 14 days
Telephone 034 94 - 50 35 10
email jmd@diakonie-wolfen.de
Fancy a young community? Just drop by!

In the community and family center there is also a day-care center run by the Bitterfeld-Wolfen-Gräfenhanichen deaconry . We do a lot together:
- Family fun on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 3.30 p.m
- on the 3rd Wednesday, 8 p.m. "Beautiful evening" for parents
- Family worship services throughout the year
- 3 hiking days, 2x on Saturdays and 1x on the day of repentance and prayer
- one family holiday a year
- Circus or theater project
Contact to the head of the Certi Loff day care center:
034 94 - 50 35 05
Contact to the above offers with
Steffen Schulz: 034 94 - 50 35 06

women and men
Would you like to have a cozy get-together and talk about life-world topics? Then you've come to the right place!
Wolfen-Nord men's group
1. Monday, 6 p.m
odd months in Christophorushaus
straight months at Edith-Stein-Gemeindezentrum , Ernst-Toller-Str. 13
craft circle
1st and 3rd Tuesday, 3 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
Frauenkreis Schierau
1. Wednesday, 2 p.m. in Schierau, please ask for the address
Senior afternoon in Bobbau
3. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Schäferstraße 24
Café Collecting Cup in Wolfen-Nord
last Wednesday, 2 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
English with Jeremy
Thursday, 5.30 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
Men's group in Jessnitz
3. Friday, 7 p.m., Schulstraße 7

listening and speaking
Something is burning on your soul, you have something on your heart, do you need someone who will listen to you with confidence?
I'm happy to listen to them and I'm bound by confidentiality.
Just call me, Steffen Schulz, or write to me and we'll meet: 034 94 - 503 506, steffen.schulz@kircheanhalt.de.

use rooms
Do you want to meet up with others, privately for a party or with your club? We have rooms for you! Just call: 034 94 -503 506.
Are you looking for office space? We have an anteroom and 2 multi-purpose rooms with a total of 82.30 m² + kitchen and toilets including caretaker service.

women and men
Would you like to have a cozy get-together and talk about life-world topics? Then you've come to the right place!
Wolfen-Nord men's group
1. Monday, 6 p.m
odd months in Christophorushaus
straight months at Edith-Stein-Gemeindezentrum , Ernst-Toller-Str. 13
craft circle
1st and 3rd Tuesday, 3 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
Frauenkreis Schierau
1. Wednesday, 2 p.m. in Schierau, please ask for the address
Senior afternoon in Bobbau
3. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Schäferstraße 24
Café Collecting Cup in Wolfen-Nord
last Wednesday, 2 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
English with Jeremy
Thursday, 5.30 p.m. in the Christophorushaus
Men's group in Jessnitz
3. Friday, 7 p.m., Schulstraße 7

listening and speaking
Something is burning on your soul, you have something on your heart, do you need someone who will listen to you with confidence?
I'm happy to listen to them and I'm bound by confidentiality.
Just call me, Steffen Schulz, or write to me and we'll meet: 034 94 - 503 506, steffen.schulz@kircheanhalt.de.

use rooms
Do you want to meet up with others, privately for a party or with your club? We have rooms for you! Just call: 034 94 -503 506.
Are you looking for office space? We have an anteroom and 2 multi-purpose rooms with a total of 82.30 m² + kitchen and toilets including caretaker service.

listening and speaking
Something is burning on your soul, you have something on your heart, do you need someone who will listen to you with confidence?
I'm happy to listen to them and I'm bound by confidentiality.
Just call me, Steffen Schulz, or write to me and we'll meet: 034 94 - 503 506, steffen.schulz@kircheanhalt.de.
Do you want to meet up with others, privately for a party or with your club? We have rooms for you! Just call: 034 94 -503 506.
Are you looking for office space? We have an anteroom and 2 multi-purpose rooms with a total of 82.30 m² + kitchen and toilets including caretaker service.